Concerge Trainings of 6 Participants Now Available

Our April trainings in Los Angeles and Chicago were both small and very intensive. The participants gave Yacine Bell, our Oakland based Faculty person who conducted the Los Angeles training the best evaluations of any of our trainngs. According to the 6 persons in attendance, it was the intamacy and personalization of the material that resonated with all of the participants.

I provided the training in Chicago for another 6 participants and received appreciation for not cancelled the training because of the small number. Therefore, I decided in Chicago to purposely market future small training of between 6 and ten any where in the U.S,

Suggest a location and help us get 6 persons and we will be there. We will soon announce a Three Day Training for London the second weekend in August. Follow our website as well as our new Facebook Page at Facebook@andersonandanderson.

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