The American Association for Anger Management Providers Presents EQ for Counselors

Emotional Intelligence is the most useful intervention for increasing the effectiveness of counseling, coaching and success in life and work. This four hour CEU training will provide those in attendance with a foundation for incorporating Emotional Intelligence into substance abuse treatment, batterer’s intervention as well as couples counseling and psychotherapy. 

This training will be presented by George Anderson who is recognized as the guru of anger management. Topics to be covered include the following: 

A sample of the Bar On EQ-I-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment 
How to draft an action plan based on the assessment results 
Actual Pre and Post Assessment results from previous clients 
A demonstration of how this assessment can be used in your counseling, coaching or domestic violence practice 
A conversation with the experts: Facilitators, coaches, counselors and graduates will discuss their experience teaching and learning emotional intelligence skills. 

Each participant will receive a free copy of The Practice of Control, the Anderson & Anderson Curriculum for Executive Coaching clients along with The Contrasting Wheels of Behavior, the does and don’ts of anger management.

, Executive Coach for Disruptive Physicians at Anderson & Anderson, Executive Coaching/Anger Management