Learning or teaching anger management/self-control requires more than insight

Anderson & Anderson, APC provided Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Impulse Control to a 62-year-old attorney who had been in psychoanalysis for 25 years for problems managing his anger. While he was an expert on where his first angry feelings came from and how they related to an incident with his mother at age 6, his ability to control his angry behavior had not improved during his many years of psychoanalytic treatment.

As the result of his lack of progress managing his impulse to behave aggressively when angry, he confronted his psychoanalyst who referred him for Emotional Intelligence Skill Coaching for enhancement in impulse control.

Practicing attorneys are well known for their obsession with the facts of situations and this attorney was therefore excited to learn the objective results of his competencies in Self-Regard, Self-Actualization, Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression, Assertiveness, Independence, Interpersonal Relationships, Empathy, Social Responsibility, Problem Solving, Reality Testing, Impulse Control, Flexibility, Stress Tolerance and Optimism.

By simply learning about his level of competency in these 15 Emotional Intelligence scales and how they are connected to each provided him with considerable optimism. He quickly recognized the need to practice skill enhancement in the areas in which he scored in the low or average range.

Practical applications of Emotional Intelligence Skill Enhancement is needed and wanted by a wide range of professionals whose success is closely related to their ability to influence others based on these important skills.

In contrast to counseling or psychotherapy, skill enhancement in emotional intelligence is practice and evidence based. A comprehensive EQ-i-2.0 Assessment designed to provide a base line of EI competencies precedes the coaching. Once the assessment is reviewed and the client is debriefed, the six months of skill enhancement coaching is provided over a six-month period.

The coaching is augmented by the use of DVDs, CDs, client workbooks along with specific exercises related to each skill. At the end of six months, the same assessment is administered in order to objectively determine the results of the coaching.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Professionals including attorneys, physicians and executives is trending in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Clients are requesting the 12-hour intensive followed by coaching via phone or Skype from Saudi Arabia, San Juan, Puerto Rica and other major U.S. cities.

The Anderson & Anderson, APC’s Emotional Intelligence Coaching is a respected coaching model specifically designed to enhance the skills that physicians, attorneys, executives, managers, and athletes need to meet the demands of a

high-stress, high-performance environment. Our program recognizes the qualities present in top leaders as well as top employees, and uses a customized assessment to help you make your skills elite.

For more information, visit our website at http://www.andersonservices.com or contact George Anderson at 310-476-0908.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Substance Abuse Counselors

Many of the current components in inpatient substance abuse treatment programs appear to be fillers rather than substantive interventions. It is difficult to justify the inclusion of horseback riding (equestrian therapy), yoga or kick boxing in programs designed to address chemical dependency.

Addiction Is The Results of a Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Giving up an addiction is an important first step, but it is not usually enough to ensure future sobriety for the individual. This is because there will usually be a reason for why the person fell into substance abuse in the first place and that reason is likely to be still there. One of the most common motives for turning to alcohol or drugs is an inability to deal with emotions. This occurs because the individual lacks emotional intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence Defined

Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability of the individual to assess and control the emotions of themselves and others. This type of intelligence is measured using the emotional quotient (EQ-i-2.0). This instrument is a must for use in all substance abuse programs.


A Prototype of A CEU Course For Substance Abuse Counselors

This six-hour CEU course can easily be incorporated into any inpatient or outpatient treatment program for substance abusers. This course will assist counselors in recognizing and transforming negative behaviors and transforming them into positive behaviors.

Course Objectives:

  • How to recognize your own feelings and moods.
  • How to recognize the moods of others.
  • Being able to recognize changes in individual behaviors.
  • Being able to identify stressful situations.
  • Enhancing relationships with positive decision-making.
  • Learn how to use assertive communication.
  • Learn how to teach skill enhancement in EI skills such as self-awareness, self-control, social awareness and relationship management.

Training Materials:

  • Each participant will complete the EQ-i-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment.
  • Gaining Control Of Ourselves client workbook by George Anderson
  • Contrasting Wheels of Behavior

This training can be offered live, on-line or via Skype

George Anderson, LCSW, CAMF

MHS Certified EQ-i-2.0 Provider

Training Faculty, Additions Academy


Emotional Intelligence May Be Useful In Student Counseling Programs

Many college students are at risk for career derailment, academic failure or even suicide as the result of the stresses of college life. Naturally, freshmen are at a greater risk than college juniors or seniors based on the greater acceptance of professional help on the part of more mature students.

The stigma associated with counseling and psychotherapy continues to be problematic among many college students especially African Americans, Asians and Caucasians from modest backgrounds.

While Emotional Intelligence coaching is not a substitute for serious mental or nervous disorders, it can be useful for many of the reactive disorders and common problems that are associated with adjusting to college life and the pain associated with developing autonomy.

Lets take a look at some of the self-help suggestions made by The University of Florida


Using Feelings

Becoming more aware of your feelings is the first step to resolving a problem. It gives you the option to express your feelings directly and assertively rather than acting them out in aggressive or self-destructive behaviors. Honestly acknowledging your feelings may help you avoid losing your balance completely by warning you to:

  • Get support
  • Analyze your thinking
  • Clarify your needs
  • Prepare yourself
  • Get needed information
  • Set limits
  • Make changes if necessary

If you feel overwhelmed by a problem, try reaching out to get support before you explore your feelings or thoughts, or before you act to alleviate the problem. It’s hard to maintain perspective when you’re all alone.

Becoming Aware

When you experience stress you can probably identify the external event or situation, which caused it. You may also be able to identify your feelings in response to the event. You may not, however, be aware of the thoughts you have, or self-statements you make about yourself or the event (“I blew it! This is horrible! I’ll never make it now!”). These thoughts have a great impact on how you feel and act.

Sometimes your thoughts may work against you. As a result of past learning and experiences, your interpretation of events or thoughts about yourself become distorted. You are no longer thinking rationally, and your perceptions become quite different from the external reality, or from other’s perspectives.

Through your irrational thoughts and negative self-statements, you may unknowingly increase your feelings of being overwhelmed. Let’s look at some of the common ways we all distort problems.

Let’s look at some rational thinking alternatives…

Rational Thinking

  • Focus on the Present (don’t jump to conclusions “He canceled our date, but he said he’d call tomorrow so there is no reason to think anything is wrong. I’ll use the free time to relax with that book I just bought.”
  • Stay With the Facts (Beware of catastrophizing) “I got a D on my first exam but it doesn’t mean I’ll fail chemistry. I didn’t understand what the professor wanted. I think I’ll meet with her so I’ll know what to expect on the next exam.”
  • Be Realistic and Objective (Avoid personalizing) “He’s yawning, he’s probably tired. It doesn’t have to mean that he doesn’t like me.”
  • Be Optimistic (Try not to predict doom) “I’m lonely now… because she’s gone. It’s natural to feel this way. And even though I may never find anyone quite like her, I’ll find someone new and different when I’m ready.”
  • Be kind to yourself (Don’t “Should” yourself) “It’s OK for me to disagree with him, it doesn’t mean he won’t like me. My opinions are valid.”

Retain your perspective (Watch out for negative labels) “I may not have won this time, but that doesn’t mean I’m a ‘loser.'”

While these suggestions can be useful and may be all that is needed for some students, self-help tips cannot be used as a substitute for formal psychiatric diagnoses or treatment of psychopathology.

Emotional Intelligence skill enhancement coaching or classes may also meet the needs of some of the students who are reluctant to seek counseling or psychotherapy.


Lets take a look at what a student can learn about him or herself from a brief On-line Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Here are the results of a 19-year-old college freshman that is in his second semester and is already on academic probation: The Assessment used is the EQ-I 2.0.

Total EI: 96 out of a range from 0—————135

Self-Perception Composite 98

Self-Regard respecting oneself; confidence 97

Self-Actualization pursuit of meaning; self-improvement 112

Emotional Self-Awareness understanding own emotions 83

Self-Expression Composite 94

Emotional Expression constructive expressions of emotions 85

Assertiveness communicating feelings, beliefs; non-offensive 88

Independence self-directed; free from emotional dependency. 113

Interpersonal Composite 103

Interpersonal Relationships mutually satisfying relationships 111

Empathy understanding, appreciating how others feel 83

Social Responsibility social consciousness: helpful 119

Decision Making Composite 86

Problem Solving find solutions when emotions are involved 91

Reality Testing objective; see things as the really are 97

Impulse Control Resist or delay impulse to act 71

Stress Management Composite 100

Flexibility adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors 99

Stress Tolerance coping with stressful situations 99

Optimism positive attitude and outlook on life 103

In Emotional Intelligence Coaching, it is the student who determines the focus of the coaching goals based on his or her scores on the EQI Assessment. At the conclusion of the 26 session coaching program, the same assessment can be given to objectively determine the degree to which change has occurred. This model of intervention is trending in popularity among college students and high school seniors in the greater Los Angeles area.



In Summary, “Counseling centers can also implement a variety of innovative strategies to meet the mental health needs of students and the demand for services. In terms of direct clinical services, these strategies may include offering more immediate and accessible appointments, especially for students in crisis, by providing phone consultations and evening and drop-in appointments. Peer counselors and graduate interns can also be an important resource that allows counseling centers to serve more students. Group therapy and self-help programs (e.g., books, pamphlets, videos, Internet resources about mental health issues) are alternatives to individual counseling that can be effective for many students.”


George Anderson, the Anger Management Guru


Emotional Intelligence Coaching For Law Enforcement Officers.

Research on the incorporation of Emotional Intelligence into the training of police officers at the present time is limited. However, it is clear that the popular notion that police officers are somehow immune to the extreme stresses associated with the day-to-day experience of policing is unrealistic.

During training in the various police academies, physical and emotional resiliency along with toughness reserved for “the force” is grilled into new recruits. Empathy, emotional self-awareness, compassion, assertiveness, social awareness, flexibility, impulse control or other Emotional Intelligence competencies are rarely considered.

According to a Geoffrey Seville writing in The Police Chief Magazine in a article entitled, Emotional Intelligence Policing: “Most police training and education efforts have downplayed if not ignored the role of emotions. Often, academy educators leave it to field trainers to help new officers through emotionally charged and stressful situations. Departments occasionally provide stress management programs or use untrained mentors to help officers manage their emotions. But few of these approaches consider emotional intelligence.”

Successful surgeons, fire fighters, customer service staff and law enforcement professionals score in the high range for self-awareness, self-control, social awareness, empathy, stress tolerance and impulse control. Individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are better able to recognize and manage their behavior, have more positive interpersonal interactions, and engage in fewer problem behaviors including aggressive or violent acts.

It appears that officers who are able to increase their EI have a distinct advantage, both personally and professionally, in a number of important areas, including self-control, decision making, and interpersonal skills.

Anderson & Anderson, APC has provided coaching for uniformed officers from 6 different law enforcement agencies in Southern California.

Here are the Pre and Post Assessment results for one officer who completed our six- month Emotional Intelligence Program for Impulse Control. The assessment used is the internationally recognized EQ-i-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment. These results are similar to those of other officers who have been seen in our program. It is clear that the experience of one client does not represent a sample of anything. However, it may offer a hint of the value of including emotional intelligence skill enhancement in the training of law enforcement personnel as well as coaching for impulse control.

Total EI 83 out of 130

Self-Perception Composite 81

Self-Regard 59

Self-Actualization 91

Emotional Self-Awareness 111

Self-Expression Composite 79

Emotional Expression 82

Assertiveness 77

Independence 90

Interpersonal Composite 100

Interpersonal Relationships 108

Empathy 102

Social Responsibility 87

Decision Making Composite 92

Problem Solving 102

Reality Testing 100

Impulse Control 80

Stress Management Composite 74

Flexibility 72

Stress Tolerance 99

Optimism 64

70 Low Range 90 Mid Range 110 High Range 130

A careful review of the Pre Assessment results reveals that seven out of the client’s fifteen scores are in the Low Range, 70-90, five fall in the Mid-Range and only one in the High-Range. These are the type of scores that place professionals and leaders at risk for career derailment.

Lets take a look at the Post Assessment Results for this same officer after six months of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Impulse Control.

Total EI 99 out of 130

Self-Perception Composite 103

Self-Regard 92

Self-Actualization 102

Emotional Self-Awareness 116

Self-Expression Composite 103

Emotional Expression 102

Assertiveness 103

Independence 104

Interpersonal Composite 104

Interpersonal Relationships 106

Empathy 104

Social Responsibility 99

Decision Making Composite 91

Problem Solving 96

Reality Testing 98

Impulse Control 107

Stress Management Composite 95

Flexibility 91

Stress Tolerance 98

Optimism 97

70 Low Range 90 Mid Range 110 High Range 130

The post assessment results indicate that none of the clients’ scores are in the low range. Sixteen scores are in the Mid-Range and one score is in the High Range. It may be worth noting that his optimism score increased from a low of 64 to 97. Emotional Intelligence Coaching is a promising intervention for enhancing impulse control in law enforcement professionals.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provider of Executive Coaching for “disruptive physicians’ in the nation and a major provider of Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Impulse Control.www.andersonservices.com.

Anger Management Is A Must For All Prisoner Re-entry Programs

California leads the nation in its’ prison population as well as its’ commitment to focus on a collaborative community response to provide the necessary education, mental health treatment and/or life skills for participants to succeed in work and life. The California Endowment has set aside $50 million dollars in grant money for non-profits to partner with state and local governments as well as school districts to provide a wide range of services including substance abuse treatment, mental health services, anger management/emotional intelligence, GED, job training and life skills.

One of the most innovative and successful prisoner re-entry programs in California is the SCBC which is a collaborative effort between the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) specifically designed for men and women reentering the community from state prison.

This program is designed to help people transition back into their local communities and families, resume their education and find and start successful careers. During the last year, 30-40% of the total Sacramento County parole population has been referred to the SCBC program. Less than one-third of those clients’ recommit and are sent back to prison. The state recidivism rate is nearly 75%.

Similar programs are being established in most California Counties. Program participants are eligible to receive educational services that include literacy skills, GED and high school diplomas, math skills, vocational training and referrals.

All of these programs include anger management and emotional intelligence as a part of the skills taught. Certified Anger Management Facilitators (CAMF) are in demand to provide Emotional intelligence skill enhancement, Life Skills and Anger Management.

The American Association of Anger Management Providers showcased some of these programs at it’s first annual conference in Los Angeles on August 22,23, 20014. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., founder of Home Boy Industries was the main speaker on August 23. Dr. Alan Rosenstein, M.D. was the Keynote Speaker on August 22. The theme of the conference was Emotional Intelligence for Anger Management.

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest provider of anger management facilitator certification, curricula and client workbooks in the nation. George Anderson is considered the Anger Management Guru. www.andersonservices.com

“Disruptive Physician Behavior” Risks Patient Safety

As the Nation’s largest provider of Executive Coaching/Anger Management for Physicians, Anderson & Anderson is committed to advocating best practices in providing mandated or volunteer services for “disruptive physicians”. With this goal in mind, we would like to bring to your attention an evasive tactic currently being used by some physicians to avoid enrollment in Coaching Programs designed exclusively for “disruptive physicians”.

Some physicians are enrolling in on-line or home study anger management classes, which are presented in a self-help format for criminal court referrals unrelated to medical professionals or health care organizations. These classes are in no way consistent with JCAHO standards relative to “disruptive physician” policy and should not be accepted.

The three legitimate providers of intervention for “disruptive physicians” are: thePACE Program at the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, the Distressed Physicians Program at Vanderbilt University and Anderson & Anderson Executive Coaching/Anger Management Program in Los Angeles. The Anderson & Anderson Coaching Program offers classes 7 days a week in Los Angeles or on-site to accommodate the busy and generally, hectic schedules of a physician’s practice and commitments.




The Anderson & Anderson Program is available at our Brentwood/Los Angeles office or on-site anywhere in the United States. This program is consistent with the new Joint Commission requirements for “disruptive physicians”. The Anderson & Anderson Anger Management/Executive Coaching program is listed in the Directory of Physician Assessment And Remedial Education Programs, Federation of State Medical Boards. Currently, it is the industry leader in intervention for disruptive physicians.


Your hospital’s reputation is too valuable to risk the consequences that may arise from the abusive behavior of a “disruptive physician”. There are numerous cases recently cited where physicians have acted in a disruptive manner that may cost their respective institutions unnecessary dollars in litigation and other related costs. The average cost of litigation for these types of cases averages $720,000 per case.

For more information, visit our website at www.andersonservices.com or contact our offices at (310) 207-3591. Please take a look at some the media coverage of our coaching model.


George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF, CEAP

Diplomate, American Association of Anger Management Providers

Anderson & Anderson, The Trusted Name in Anger Management




A Coaches Demeanor Can Be Used To Influence The Behavior Of Clients

I have worked as a probation officer, clinical social worker, medical school faculty and executive coach. After over 50 years of practice, I am in the process of succession planning with my son who will take over the family’s” Professional Corporation.

In the process of preparing my son to take over, I am attempting to determine if there are any unique skills that I may possess that have been a factor in my success. In an effort to accomplish this task, I have contacted over one hundred former psychotherapy or coaching clients.

Each former client was asked: “Can you identify in one of two words what best defines George Andersons’ psychotherapy or coaching?” Most respondents report that I exhibit a calm, casual and optimistic demeanor with a focus on solving problems. A more objective summary by CoachInsight Toolkit provides the following observations:

  •  How connected do my choachees feel to me as a coach?

Your coachees report a very strong relational connection to you. They trust and feel appreciated by you. There may be room to introduce more structure or role clarity into constructive feedback occasionally.

  •  How confident do my coachees feel in the coaching process?

Your coachees report very high levels of confidence in the coaching process. They express great confidence that they are working on the right goals, in the right way.

  •  How contented are my coachees with the out comes of coaching?

Your coachees consistently report high levels of overall satisfaction with your coaching. They tend to report somewhat lower levels of goal attainment, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting their overall satisfaction. This may simply be due to the fact that they are still working towards achieving their goals they also be a function of your coaching style or their coaching objectives.

  •  How coordinated am I with my Coachees?

 While your perception of overall goal attainment is very much in line with that of your coachees; you have a slightly higher perception regarding specific goal attainment than do your coaches. There may be opportunities to touch base with your coaches more consistently and to symmetrically assess their progress towards goals.


In Summary

I firmly believe that a coaches’ demeanor can and should be actively used to positively influence the behavior of his or her coachees. Coaches who are not aware if the role that one’s demeanor may have in their professional relationships will miss the opportunities to maximize this concept. The importance of role modeling is rarely considered in coaching or psychotherapy.

George Anderson, Anderson & Anderson, APC


Emotional Intelligence Assessments Are Excellent Tools For Coaches

Organizations large and small are increasingly using objective measures to select and train employees whose skills are necessary for success. Monster.com is actively promoting emotional intelligence assessments for anyone seeking positions in sales, leadership or customer service. Coaches certified to provide valid emotional intelligence assessments are in demand worldwide.

Our firm, Anderson & Anderson, APC has successfully used the EQ-i-2.0Emotional Intelligence Assessment to effectively brand our coaching, expand the range of services offered as well as increase our sales of client workbooks and ancillary training material.

We were the first to introduce emotional intelligence testing into our Anger Management Facilitator Certification training (CAMF) in 1998. This is the same year that we begin using pre and post EI assessments for anger management clients. We quickly learned that non-profits, Courts as well as for-profit businesses wanted objective evidence to demonstrate the success of the services that we provide.

In December of 2004, Anderson & Anderson, APC signed a contract with the U.S. Postal Service to train its’ managers and supervisors in the use of the Anderson & Anderson, APC anger management curriculum. This included the client workbooks along with the Pre and Post Emotional Intelligence Assessment. The initial one year pilot program in Los Angeles resulted in a savings of 1.7 million dollars for one postal site with 18,000 employees. More importantly, the phrase “going postal” began to disappear from our lexicon based on the introduction of anger management into the postal service.http://www.postalreporter.com/usps/gopostal.htm

Our success in providing anger management assessments and emotional intelligence coaching for the U.S Postal Service led to George Anderson being featured in a Cover Story in The Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, “The Storm’s QuietEye

http://articles.latimes.com/2005/aug/28/magazine/tm-anger35In 2007, Anderson & Anderson, APC was approached by the medical director of a major hospital chain based in Dallas Texas with a request to write a non-psychiatriccoaching curriculum for “disruptive physicians”. In its 2008 Sentinel Event Alert, The Joint Commission On The Accreditation of HealthCare Organizations describes disruptive and intimidating behavior as including “overt actions such as verbal outbursts and physical threats, as well as passive activities such as refusing to perform assigned tasks or quietly exhibiting uncooperative attitudes during routine activities,” and it goes on to say that “intimidating and disruptive behaviors are often manifested by health care professionals in positions of power. Such behaviors include reluctance or refusal to answer questions, return phone calls or pages, condescending language or voice intonation and impatience with questions.” The name of the Anderson & Anderson, APC coaching curriculum for “disruptive physicians” is Anderson & Anderson Disruptive Physician Executive Coaching Program. The client workbook is The Practice Of Control.


The popularity of this emotional intelligence coaching model quickly went viral and resulted in articles in the Wall Street Journal,http://www.andersonservices.com/download/anderson_articles/When%20Anger%20Is%20An%20Illness%20’Intermittent%20Explosive%20Disorder,’%20Or%20Just%20a%20Temper%20Tantrum.pdf

The London Sunday Times,http://www.andersonservices.com/download/anderson_articles/Look%20back%20at%20anger.pdf

Business Week,


Washington Post,


This incredible free Internet coverage ultimately led to a two-hour documentary on the BBC produced by Griff Rhys Jones entitled Losing It 1 & 2.

Toronto Sun Times,



Finally, Anderson & Anderson, APC were recently asked to provide emotional intelligence assessments for a global steel company with plants in Romania, China, U.S., UK and Canada. We successfully used the EQ-i-20 with great results for this project. Emotional Intelligence can and should be incorporated into most coaching models including Life Coaching and sports.

In summary, any legitimate coaching model can include emotional intelligence as a part of its’ core curriculum. Coaching models that do not include some type of base line assessments will increasingly lose ground. Please repost this article and consider adding emotional intelligence to your coaching model.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, CAMF


Individual Coaching Is The Preferred Intervention For Professionals

Individual coaching is the preferred intervention for physicians and executives when confronted with the choice of a resource for impulse control, leadership, or stress management. Physicians and executives are reluctant to risk participation in programs that are offered in groups. Any mandated intervention such as “fitness for duty”, “disruptive behavior” or “psychiatric treatment” risk career derailment. It is impossible to offer, and unrealistic to expect confidentiality in any type of university class due to the open discussion format.

There are three major providers of services for “disruptive physicians”. These three organizations are The Pace Program at the University of San Diego School of Medicine,http://www.paceprogram.ucsd.edu/anger.asp

The Distressed Physician Program at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/root/vumc.php?site=cph&doc=36636

and The Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program for “disruptive physicians” at Anderson & Anderson, APC.


The two university based programs above are offered four times each year and is limited to 6-8 clients. Both programs are provided at the respective universities over a three-day period. Both programs offer AMA approved Continuing Medical Education courses for physicians. Lectures, role-play and group exercises are used to teach anger management and conflict skills.

The Anderson & Anderson, APC emotional intelligence program for “disruptive physicians” is a six-month program that is private and confidential. The internationally recognized EQ-i-Emotional Intelligence Assessment is administered on-line prior to the first coaching session.

The first phase of the program is offered live in person and can be provided on-site at any location chosen by the client or at the Los Angeles office of Anderson & Anderson, APC. This intensive experience is offered over a two-day period.

The second phase of the program consists of phone or SKYPE sessions on a bi-weekly basis over a six-month period. Client workbooks, DVDs and ancillary training material are used during the six-month coaching program.

The Anderson & Anderson, APC coaching is about developing the capabilities of high-potential performers. Therefore, the Post Test is important in determining the success or lack of success for each coaching client who completes the six-month program.

If an individualized intervention is more consistent with the wishes of the client, it is best to seek individual coaching rather than academic courses.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, LCSW, CAMF


Domestic Violence Arrests And Intervention Is Neglected In Los Angeles

An article appeared in today’s Los Angeles Times entitled: “L.A.’s domestic violence plan lags”. The article catalogs a long list of problems in the Los Angeles D.V. services including:

  • Inadequate funding. “Los Angeles spent $3.2 million on domestic violence programs, including intervention efforts, education programs and shelters. In comparison, within the 2013-2014 fiscal year, New York spent $107.2, while San Francisco spent $4 million and Chicago spent $3.3 million on similar programs in the same period.
  • Domestic Abuse Response Teams, also known as DART, has been touted as a successful model however data from the mayor’s office showed there were only enough volunteers and money to respond to 1 out of every 30 domestic violence calls to the police.
  • While not included in this article, Los Angeles County Probation Department has approved almost 300 Batterers’ Intervention Programs, which is far more than what is needed for the low arrest rates. Many of these programs are poorly run and are routinely violating state law by mixing all types of non-domestic violence clients into these programs.
  • In contrast to Los Angeles County, Orange County only has 20 Batterers’ Intervention Programs thereby making it feasible for all providers to receive enough clients to offer viable programs. The arrest and prosecution rates in Orange County exceed that of Los Angels County.

It is hoped that this publicity will result in a change in policy and funding of domestic violence programs in Los Angeles County.

George Anderson, MSW, BCD, LCSW

Anderson & Anderson, APC